Friday, June 17, 2005

Aaron Apparel

Anyone wishing to wear Aaron around town is going to have to let me know so I can order the shirts myself. The Website wont allow me to post the shirts in the public area probably due to the swear words.

You can check out what types of shirts they have on and then give size and style info., I'll order them through my account if you want.
I accept PAYPAL, Cash,
& Poker Game Credit from the "Host House" etc.

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Friday, June 10, 2005

Now we can take him with us everywhere we go. Wearable Aaron!!!!!

Here is Aaron Fishing and Drinking, his two favorite things. Oh yeah and Party Mix.
The cheap kind from vending machines tastes the best.

I guess the Blog people didnt like your shirts Aaron they asked that i take them off. Damn!

Here is Aaron enjoying some baseball. A beatiful day to Black Out at Shea. Dont Spill any beer on the way down and watch the pavement, it bites back!

I can email the images over if anyone wants to see them